If you are established in another EU/EEA country, you are allowed the freedom to provide services on an occasional and temporary basis, without the obligation of establishment in Croatia, mandatory membership in professional body and without a prior check. The service can be provided by fulfilling the conditions for business establishment (Second option).
The second option – FREEDOM TO ESTABLISH
If you are established in EU /EEA country, you as physical or legal person, have freedom to provide services on a permanent basis in Croatia, if you register an establishment in Croatia and fulfil the following conditions:
- have the appropriate equipment for the provision of the service, with the declaration of authorized manufacturers or certified according to applicable standards, in proper working order
- use the equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions
- when offering the service, state which personal equipment for the safe realization of activities is expected to be provided by the user, and which will be provided by the service provider as part of the service price
- prior to the commencement of service provision, inform the user in writing and orally of the types of risks connected with service provision, the proper use of the equipment, risk assessment and aversion plans and procedures
- insure service users against the consequences of accidents and put at their disposal information concerning the terms and conditions of policies concluded with an insurer in the Republic of Croatia or the EEA State or in Switzerland
- hire a person who has the appropriate domestic or foreign certificate establishing such person’s competence for and the level of skill in the performance of activities
- meet special requirements that may relate to the scope and level of training of persons providing services, means of communication, equipment, first aid kits, the presence of emergency medical care depending on the number of participants, the presence of the competent rescue service depending on risk assessment, etc.
- the list of appropriate certificates and conditions for performing certain activities of active or adventure tourism and organizing events that include such activities is published on the websites of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry
- for active and adventure tourism activities carried out in the mountains and inaccessible areas, the organizer and/or persons performing them are obliged to prepare risk assessments, risk management plans and procedures for each type of activity and location where the service is provided.
- the service provider may refuse to provide services to a minor, as well as to other persons for whom a risk assessment has determined that performing activities would be risky, or if the user does not have appropriate equipment which he was required to provide.
Competent authority and regulations
Ministry of Tourism and Sport
Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 6161 243
Act on the Provision of Services in Tourism (OG 130/17, 25/19, 98/19, 42/20 and 70/21 – consolidated text)
Last updated on 25 September 2024