Standards open the Single Market for business
European standards (EN) play a crucial role within the Single European Market as they ensure technical solutions that contribute to product safety, facilitate trade and communication, help increase efficiency and productivity and reduce unnecessary costs. They are also an effective mechanism for meeting the requirements of EU harmonisation legislation.
European standards are adopted by European standardization organizations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and implemented by national standards bodies in European countries.
For more information about Croatian standards you can contact the Croatian Standards Institute as the national standards body that ensures permanent availability of international and European standards in the Republic of Croatia.
You can also browse data on Croatian standards in the online catalogue of Croatian standards. To facilitate access to standards, the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) has established the Standards Library, its central info point where users can view standards free of charge or get information on standards by phone (01 6106 051, 01 6106 059) or e-mail (normoteka@hzn.hr).
HZN conducts a series of activities aimed at involving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in national and European standardization processes. For more information please visit SME Corner or send an e-mail to msp@hzn.hr.