The operator of an existing installation which qualifies for free allocation of emission allowances, including the operator of an installation for generation of electricity which produces heat and a small installation that may be excluded from the emissions trading system (ETS), has to submit an application for a free allocation of emission allowances to the ministry responsible for environmental protection tasks.
Required documents:
The application for a free allocation of emission allowances which includes:
HRK 35 (for the application), Account IBAN HR1210010051863000160,
MODEL HR64, reference number: 5002-47053-OIB (personal identification number of the legal person)
e-ACCESS to the activity service
Information: You will receive a confirmation email of receipt of your request and a confirmation of the approval through email..
Useful informations:
Let us know how long it took. Suggest any improvement to us. Do you need any support?
Contact us in one place.
Competent authority and regulations:
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition
Radnička cesta 80, 10000 Zagreb
+385 (0) 1 3717-111
Air Protection Act (OG 130/11, 47/14, 61/17 and 118/18)
Regulation on the method of greenhouse gas emission allowance trading (OG 69/12, 154/14)
Regulation on the manner of free allocation of emission allowances to installations and monitoring, reporting and verification of reports on greenhouse gas emissions from installations and aircraft in the period starting from 1 January 2013 (OG 70/15)
Authorisation for performance of activities:
The decision on emission allowances allocated free of charge
Legal remedy:
An appeal may not be lodged against the decision however an administrative dispute may be instituted. The legal remedy is an integral part of every decision.
All information comes from the regulations within the scope of the competent authority.
Updated: 7/11/2024