Requirements for trade in goods
Export and import of military and non-military lethal goods, provision of services for military goods and the transfer of defence products, under this Act, may be performed by legal and natural persons – craftsmen, registered for the transport of goods and registered in the Register of Exporters and Importers of Military and Non-military Lethal Goods or in the Register of Service Providers for Military Goods.
A natural person – a citizen is not allowed export and provision of military and non-military lethal goods and the transfer of defence products. The natural person (as a citizen) may import goods for its own needs based on an approval of the acquisition by the Ministry of Interior.
Requirements for the registration in the Register
Registration in the Register of Exporters and Importers of Military and Non-Military Lethal Goods, is carried out on the basis of a written request of the responsible person in the legal or natural person – craft.
The applicant shall submit the following documents:
A copy of the decision of the Ministry of the Interiors should not be submitted if the person submits a statement that will not be engaged in the production or trade of weapons or explosive substances.
Registration in the Register of Service Providers for military goods, is carried out on the basis of a written request authorized by a stamp and signature of the responsible person in the legal person or a stamp and signature of a natural person – craftsman.
The applicant shall attach to the request the following documents:
The Ministry of the Economy issues a decision on registration in the Register, which cannot be appealed, but an administrative dispute may be instituted.
Licenses of export, import of goods, provision of services and the transfer of defence products
Export and import of military and non-military lethal goods, provision of services for military goods and the transfer of defence products among EU Member States is performed on the basis of licenses.
Licenses are issued by the Ministry on the basis of the consent of the Commission for approval for the export and import of military and non-military lethal goods, transfer of defence products and providing services for military goods (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). The Commission includes representatives of ministries responsible for defence, internal affairs, foreign affairs, customs and the economy.
In addition to the application for an individual license for the export or import of military and non-military lethal goods, the applicant shall submit the following documents:
The application for the export of military and non-military lethal goods must be accompanied by an import licence issued by the competent authority of the country in which the goods are exported, and the original of the end user certificate issued or approved by the competent authority of the end user’s country.
Administrative fee for the registration into the Register of HRK 70 in government stamps when delivering an application; administrative fee of HRK 125 for permit issuing
Beneficiary: State Budget of RH
Account No/IBAN: HR1210010051863000160
Reference No: HR64 5002-748-OIB of the company /PIN of the crafts
Purpose of transfer: administrative fee – licence for export, import, service providing and transfer
Competent authority and regulations
Directorate for Trade and Internal Market
Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 (0) 1 6106-111
Act on Supervision of Military and Non-military Lethal Goods (NN 80/13)
Ordinance on Trade in Military Goods, Defence Products and Non-military Lethal Goods (NN 104/13)
Decision on the List of Military Goods, Defence Products and Non-military Lethal Goods (NN 101/13 and 59/14)
If the Commission refuses to give consent for the requested application under this Act, the Ministry shall issue a decision rejecting the application against which no appeal is allowed, but an administrative dispute may be instituted.