I. Foreign natural and legal persons may perform expert geodetic operations on a sporadic of temporary basis in the Republic of Croatia, or permanently, upon fulfilment of the following conditions:
If you already have registered business establishment in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland, you have freedom to provide services on temporary and occasional basis, without obligation of establishment in Croatia, without the obligation to register your establishment in Croatia, mandatory membership in professional body and wait for prior check.
An online is sent in the mentioned case directly to the competent authority at pisarnica@hkoig.hr, with the following information, i.e. documentation photographed or scanned (signed and without stamp):
Foreign legal persons may perform those expert geodetic operations in Croatia, on a temporary and sporadic basis, that they are authorised to perform in line with regulations of the country where they are established. In such a case, the foreign legal person sends a statement to the State Geodetic Administration at info@dgu.hr with the following information, i.e. documentation (signed and without stamp):
If you are established in EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you as a physical or legal person have freedom to provide services on a permanent basis in Croatia, if you register an establishment in Croatia.
In such a case, the foreign authorized natural person must obtain an entry in the Chartered Geodetic Engineers’ Directory which is kept at the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers. The Application for entry into the Chartered Geodetic Engineers’ Directory is submitted to pisarnica@hkoig.hr, together with the following documents:
Application for recognition of qualification is submitted at pisarnica@hkoig.hr with the following documents:
EUR 265.00 for Entry into the Chartered Geodetic Engineers’ Directory
Recipient: Croatian chamber of chartered geodetic engineers, Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 271
Bank account no.: HR9723600001102092351 reference no: 12-PIN * (applicant’s)
Payment description: SURNAME, NAME (applicant’s) – Entry fee for the Chartered Geodetic Engineers’ Directory
EUR 133.00 for recognition of foreign professional qualifications
Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers
IBAN: HR9723600001102092351 Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Application form for entry into the Chartered Geodetic Engineers’ Directory
Application form for recognition of foreign professional qualifications
Email address for sending all documents: pisarnica@hkoig.hr noted: e-application – HKOIG
Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers
Ulica grada Vukovara 271/II, 10000 Zagreb
+385 1 5508 402
Act on the Performance of Geodetic Activity (OG 25/18)
Statute of the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers (OG 109/18)
Regulation on CCCGE Entries, Decisions, Approvals and Certificates
Decision on entry in the Chartered Geodetic Engineers’ Directory
Decision on recognizing foreign professional qualifications
Certificate of performing professional geodetic operations in the RoC as responsible person on a temporary and sporadic basis.
Deadline for passing decisions: 8 days from the date of submission of a valid application for any of the above, except 15 days for Decision on recognizing foreign professional qualifications and Certificate of performing expert geodetic operations in the RoC as responsible person on a temporary and sporadic basis.
Appeal may be filed against a decision to the State Geodetic Administration to info@dgu.hr within 15 days from the date of the receipt of decision. Appeal may be submitted in person or by mail in writing, in 3 copies, to the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers.
Appeals are settled within 30, or 60, days.
A foreign legal person established in a state contract member of the EEA or Switzerland registered for the performance of geodetic activity in that country may permanently perform such activity in Croatia under the same conditions as legal persons established in Croatia, in accordance with the Act on the Performance of Geodetic Activities and other special regulations.
II. APPROVAL FOF THE PERFORMANCE OF EXPERT GEODETIC OPERATIONS – A chartered geodetic engineer wishing to perform expert geodetic operations for the purposes of land cadastre and real property cadastre maintenance, expert geodetic operations for the purposes of infrastructure cadastre, expert geodetic operations for the purposes of building cadastre, or joint a geodetic office and legal entity registered for the performance of geodetic activities for the purposes of state survey and expert geodetic operations for the purposes of real property cadastre establishment must obtain an approval from the State Geodetic Administration.
A chartered geodetic engineer may perform expert geodetic operations for the purposes of land cadastre and real property cadastre maintenance, expert geodetic operations for the purposes of infrastructure cadastre, expert geodetic operations for the purposes of building cadastre upon obtaining an approval from the State Geodetic Administration, for which an application must be submitted to the State Geodetic Administration at info@dgu.hr with the following documents:
A joint geodetic office and legal entity registered for the performance of geodetic activities may perform expert geodetic operations for the purposes of real property cadastre establishment upon obtaining an approval from the State Geodetic Administration, for which an application must be submitted to the State Geodetic Administration at info@dgu.hr with the following documents:
Option 1: e-SERVICE available to EU and EEA citizens
Option 2: info@dgu.hr (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed and without stamp)
Državna geodetska uprava
Gruška 20, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 6165 404
Act on the Performance of Geodetic Activity (OG 25/18)
Regulations on Issuing Approvals for the Performance of Expert Geodetic Operations (OG 54/18)
Regulations on Professional Exams for Persons Performing Expert Geodetic Operations (OG 90/18)
Decision on the approval to perform expert geodetic operations.
Deadline for passing decision: 30 or 60 days.
Lawsuit may be brought to the competent administrative court within 30 days from the receipt of decision.
Last updated on 19 September 2024