Tasks of design/expert supervision of construction/tasks of site engineers and/or works managers and tasks of project manager of mechanical engineering profession
If you are already established in another EU/EEA country, you as a natural and legal person have freedom to provide services on an occasional and temporary basis without the obligation to register the establishment in Croatia, membership in the Croatian Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and without waiting for a prior check.
It is not necessary to report to the Chamber to perform tasks of a site engineer and/or works manager and project manager of mechanical engineering profession.
To perform design/expert supervision of construction, an online declaration is sent through the system e-Citizens or directly to the competent authority at info@hkis.hr, along with the following photocopied and translated documents:
In case of annual renewal of the declaration the applicant must enclose:
If you are already established in another EU/EEA country, you as a natural or legal person have freedom to provide services on a permanent basis, provided that you register an establishment and submit the following documentation directly, along with request at info@hkis.hr or through the e-Citizens system:
Application for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications is submitted at info@hkis.hr e-Citizens photocopied and translated document
EUR 504.35 for occasional and temporary work – first application
EUR 238.90 for occasional and temporary work – renewal of the application
EUR 796.34 for the recognition of qualifications
EUR 265.45 for establishment – registration fee
EUR 238.90 for establishment – annual membership fee
Payment via online banking:
Recipient: Hrvatska komora inženjera strojarstva, Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 271
IBAN: HR5623600001102094156 Zagrebačka banka d.d.
For payments from abroad SWIFT: ZABAHR2X
Model: HR99
The purpose of the payment: name and surname (of the applicant) – fee for occasional/temporary work – first performance or renewal or recognition of qualifications
First option: e-service available for EU/EEA citizens
Second option: info@hkis.hr (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed, without a stamp)
For entry in the directory of certified mechanical engineers, a person who has acquired professional qualification in the Republic of Croatia, instead of the decision on the recognition of professional qualification, shall submit:
EUR 119,45 the costs of taking the professional exam
Payment via internet banking:
Name and surname of the payer
RECEIVER: State budget of the Republic of Croatia
IBAN: HR1210010051863000160
CALL FOR APPROVAL NUMBER: 5665-47061-19-576187
PURPOSE: professional exam in the field of construction
Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
Ulica Republike Austrije 20, Zagreb
+385 1 3782 404
Croatian Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Ulica grada Vukovara 271, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 7775-571
List of all forms of the Croatian Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Act on Physical Planning and Building Tasks and Activities (OG 78/15, 118/18 and 110/19)
Articles of Association of the Croatian Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Decision on Fees for Services Provided by the Croatian Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Certificate for occasional/temporary provision of services
Decision on Recognition of Foreign Qualifications
Decision on the Registration in the Directory of Foreign Chartered Mechanical Engineers
Deadline: 8 days
You may submit a complaint within 15 days from the date of delivery of the decision.
The complaint shall be submitted to the Croatian Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Ulica grada Vukovara 271, 10000 Zagreb or at info@hkis.hr.
The Chamber will reject the complaint (if it is untimely), will replace the contested decision with a new one (if the complaint is partially or fully founded) or will submit the complaint to the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets.
The Ministry may reject the complaint, annul the decision in part or in full, or amend it.
The decision of the Ministry shall be delivered to the party through the Chamber no later than 60 days from the submission of a proper complaint.
Last updated on 5 January 2023