Legal or natural persons establish a kindergarten with a foundation charter which is to be submitted to the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, by using two applications:
A kindergarten foundation charter has to contain provisions stipulated by Article 13 of the Institutions Act and provisions referred to in Article 8 of the Preschool Education Act on:
– the kindergarten working programme and conditions of its implementation;
– kindergarten teachers and associates;
– conditions and way of ensuring adequate premises and equipment;
– the kindergarten principal authorisation.
The working programme of a kindergarten which is to be established is a document that the founder has to develop in accordance with basic regulations on early and preschool care and education in the Republic of Croatia. The programme which meets the conditions and professional requirements is developed in accordance with structure and content guidelines defining the methods for programme development which may be found at the website of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and the Education and Teacher Training Agency. The approval of the programme is issued by the competent Ministry in accordance with the positive expert opinion of the Education and Teacher Training Agency.
After the Ministry has issued a decision on the conformity assessment of the foundation charter of with the law and has endorsed the working programme, the founder has to submit an application for the start of work to a locally competent county office, i.e. the City of Zagreb office in charge of educational activities, which will issue a decision on the start of performing a kindergarten activity.
A kindergarten may start with its work after a decision on the start of work has been issued by the state administration office in a county, i.e. the City of Zagreb office and after registering at the competent commercial court, provided that the kindergarten meets the conditions to perform activities of a kindergarten.
A procedure of establishing that the kindergarten has fulfilled the conditions to start with the work is performed in accordance with provisions of the act regulating general administrative procedure, and it is implemented by an expert commission appointed by the state administration office in a county, i.e. the City of Zagreb office.
The founder of a kindergarten has to submit an application for the entry into the court register upon obtaining the following documents:
In accordance with the entry into the court register, the founder delivers to the ministry in charge of education all information on the kindergarten entered into the e-register of kindergartens kept by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
Conditions that have to be met to start the activity:
– the working programme has to be approved;
– the required number of kindergarten teachers, associates and other staff members has to be provided;
– adequate premises and equipment for permanent provision of services in accordance with the working standards and conditions under the National Pedagogical Standard for Preschool Education have to be ensured;
– funds for establishing the kindergarten and for the start of work have to be ensured; and
– a proof on meeting other requirements under the law.
HRK 200 of administrative fee
E-payment details:
Beneficiary: State Budget of the Republic of Croatia
IBAN: HR1210010051863000160
Model: HR64
Reference number: 5002-1222-OIB (personal identification number of the payer)
option 1: Submit an application online (e-Citizens)
option 2:
e-mail for sending complete documentation: pisarnica@mzo.hr
(The application form should be signed, scanned and sent by e-mail, including all the necessary documents and proof of fee payment. Relevant approval is obtained via e-mail).
Competent authority and regulations
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Independent Sector for Legal Affairs and
Directorate for Education
Pre-school Education Service
Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb
Telephone: +385 (0) 1 4569-000, +385 (0) 1 4569-023
and a locally competent county office responsible for social activities, i.e. the City of Zagreb office
Preschool Education Act (NN 10/97, 107/07 and 94/13)
Institutions Act (NN 76/93, 29/97, 47/99 and 35/08)
National Pedagogical Standard for Preschool Education (NN 63/08 and 90/10)
Programme Orientation of Education of Preschool Children (The Gazette of the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic of Croatia, 7-8/91)
National Framework Curriculum for Preschool Education, Primary and Secondary School Education (Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, 2011)
Strategy of Education, Science and Technology (2014)
National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Care and Education (NN 5/15)