Primary and secondary schools are founded by a foundation charter passed by the founder.
1. A primary and secondary school founder submits to the Ministry an application for the conformity assessment of the foundation charter with the law, also enclosing two copies of the foundation charter signed by the founder, and a proof that the administrative fee in the amount of HRK 200 has been paid.
2. After the Ministry has issued a decision on the conformity assessment of the foundation charter with the law, the interim principal of the school has to submit to the Ministry an application for the start of work, no later than three months before the planned start of work of the school, also enclosing: the interim foundation charter; a list of experts implementing the curriculum aligned with the curriculum issued by the Ministry or aligned with regulations of the state/institution where the curriculum is to be implemented; information on the premises and equipment and on their insurance; proof that conditions necessary for foundation and start of work of the institution have been met and information on how they have been created; proof that technical, sanitary and ecological conditions for the performance of the activity have been met; an opinion of the competent international association, i.e. organisation if the school operates in accordance with an international curriculum or an alternative school curriculum; a proof that requirements under special regulations have been met if the secondary school is implementing a curriculum of a nautical or marine-engineering course; and a proof that the administrative fee in the amount of HRK 3 000 has been paid.
3. In order to conduct the procedure for establishing that the conditions for a school to start to operate have been met, the Minister appoints an expert commission to establish via on-the-spot inquiry whether the school meets the requirements for the start of work and afterwards issues a decision thereof.
4. After the Ministry has issued a decision on the start of work, the founder has to submit an application for registration of the school into the court register.
HRK 200 of the administrative fee (a fee for the decision on the conformity assessment of the foundation charter of a school with the law) and HRK 3 000 (a fee for the decision on the start of work of a school, for the decision on the start of work in changed conditions: change of head office, expansion of activities and change of activities) in the field of education and sports
E-payment details:
Beneficiary: State Budget of the Republic of Croatia
IBAN: HR1210010051863000160
Model: HR64
Reference number: 5002-1222-OIB (personal identification number of the payer)
Competent authority and regulations
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Donje Svetice 38, 10 000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 (0) 1 4569-000
E-mail: tanja.kukura@mzos.hr for primary schools
E-mail: verica.batur@mzos.hr for secondary schools
E-mail: melita.ivankovic@mzos.hr for art schools
Primary and Secondary School Education Act (NN 87/08, 86/09, 92/10, 105/10 the Corrigendum, 90/11, 16/12, 86/12, 126/12, 94/13 and 152/14)
Ordinance on Methods and Procedures of Setting Conditions for Starting a School (NN 141/09)
Institutions Act (NN 76/93, 29/97, 47/99 and 35/08)
Decision on starting a school
Legal remedies
Action against the decision