Application for tender publication
Any owner of wood assortments (Hrvatske šume d.o.o., other beneficiaries of state forest, forest owners and other legal or natural persons) may submit an application for publication and soliciting for tender for sale of wood assortments, in accordance with the submitted approval for cutting of forest by an authorised person pursuant to forestry regulations, to the Commission (the following details in Croatian language should be indicated on the envelope: Ministarstvo gospodarstva (Ministry of the Economy) – Za povjerenstvo za provedbu javnih nadmetanja (Tender Commission), Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb).
The documentation for the sale of wood assortments through tenders has to be clear, comprehensible and unambiguous and has to include a specification of wood assortments sorted by type, quality and calculation of the value of wood assortments for the initial competition price.
Wood assortments at warehouses should be stacked, sorted, visibly marked in accordance with special regulations and prepared for sale by auction.
Open price of wood assortments is a valid price according to the price list of the company Hrvatske šume d.d. plus the costs to the place of sale.
Offer to tender
To participate in the public bidding a company/craft submits the following documents:
Administrative fee of HRK 50.00 per each decision
State Budget
IBAN HR121001005-1863000160
Reference number 5002-47115-OIB
Competent authority and regulations
Directorate for Trade and Internal Market
Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 (0) 1 6106-111
Retail Trade Act (NN 87/08, 116/08, 76/09, 114/11, 68/13 and 30/14)
Decree on Auction of Wood Products (NN 22/14)
The decision on the selection of the winning bid, as well as Notification of public auction shall be given by the Ministry of the Economy at the suggestion of the Committee.
Against the Decision, in the sense of Article 8, paragraph 15 of the Regulation on auction of certain wood assortments (NN 22/14) may be filed a complaint to the Minister of the Economy within 15 days of notification of the decision, to the address Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb.