Tourist guides


If you are already established in another EU/EEA country, you are allowed the freedom to provide services on an occasional and temporary basis, without the obligation of establishment in Croatia, mandatory membership in professional body and without a prior check.

An online declaration is sent in the mentioned case directly to the competent authority at, along with a photo or a scan of the following documents (signed, without a stamp):

  • EU certificate or certificate of establishment in an EU/EEA Member State, for the profession for which the applicant is applying, stating that, at the time of application there is no, even temporary, ban on practicing of that  profession
  • proof of nationality
  • proof of professional qualification
  • proof of one-year professional experience during the last ten years if the profession is not regulated in the Member State of establishment.

These documents are submitted in originals or copies and a certified translation into Croatian, except for the proof of nationality, which is submitted in a plain copy and an uncertified translation.

During the annual renewal of the application for the provision of services on a temporary or occasional basis, the applicant is obliged to provide a statement on the frequency and number of days of providing the service in Croatia in the previous year.

Tourist guide services can be provided at or in protected sites (localities) only by tourist guides who have passed the special part of the certification exam for protected sites (localities).

The second optionFREEDOM TO ESTABLISH 

  • request for obtaining a decision on meeting the requirements for the provision of tourist guide services issued by the competent administrative body
  • at least high school education
  • passed the certification exam for a tourist guide
  • knowledge of B2 level of the language in which the tourist guide services will be provided and knowledge of the Croatian to the extent sufficient for the provision of tourist guide services

Recognition of qualifications 

The application for recognition of qualifications is submitted to and the following documents are submitted according to the general system:

  • a certificate of the country of establishment for practicing the profession stating that, at the time of application, there is no, even temporary, ban on practicing the profession for which the applicant  has submitted the certificate
  • proof of nationality
  • proof of formal qualifications or other proof of completed formal education
  • diploma supplement from which the educational program is visible (subjects, hours, exercises, lectures)
  • proof of professional experience, if the applicant has pursued the profession for which he/she is applying, in case that profession, vocational training and advanced training for that profession are not regulated in the Member State of establishment
  • Proof of competence, if the applicant has pursued the profession for which he/she is applying, in case that profession, vocational training and advanced training for that profession are not regulated in the Member State of establishment

Proof of formal qualifications or other proof of completed formal education, proof of professional qualifications and a certificate of passing a professional exam must be submitted in originals or certified copies and a certified translation into Croatian. Other documents can be submitted in a plain copy and non-certified translation.

The Ministry shall issue a decision on the recognition of a foreign professional qualification for performing a certain regulated profession in the Republic of Croatia:

  1. a) if, based on the request, the Ministry assesses that the professional qualifications of the candidate corresponding to the professional qualifications prescribed for a certain regulated profession in the Republic of Croatia, or
  2. b) when the candidate submits to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports proof of the completed supplementary measure.

The decision on the recognition of a foreign professional qualification enables the holder of the professional qualification to access and perform a regulated profession in the Republic of Croatia for which he was trained in a member state, under the same conditions that apply to citizens of the Republic of Croatia.

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports may, in the process of recognizing a foreign professional qualification, require the candidate to implement one of the supplementary measures:

  1. a) adjustment period of up to three years or
  2. b) competence check.

In that case, the Ministry shall issue a temporary decision determining the above-mentioned supplementary measure, based on the candidate’s choice, within 60 days from the date of the candidate’s declaration of the choice of the supplementary measure.


None; except for the implementation of a supplementary measure, if it is established by a temporary decision


First option: e-service (for EU/EEA citizens)

Second option:  (for sending photographed or scanned documentation; with signature and without stamp)

Competent authority and regulations 

Ministry of Tourism and Sport

Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 6161 243

Act on the Provision of Services in Tourism (OG 130/17, 25/19, 98/19, 42/20 and 70/21 – consolidated text)

Ordinance on the professional exam for tourist guides and the examination program for tourist escorts (OG 50/08, 120/08)

Ordinance  on the list of tourist units (locations) by county (NN 76/08)

Ordinance on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications of a tourist guide and manager of a travel agency (OG 58/19, 28/20)

Act on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (OG 82/15, 70/19, 47/20, 123/23)


Decision on recognition of qualifications

Deadline: 30 days

Legal remedies

No appeal is allowed against the decision of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, but an administrative dispute may be initiated by filing a lawsuit with the Administrative Court in Zagreb within 30 days from the delivery of the decision. The lawsuit is submitted to the Administrative Court in Zagreb directly in writing, verbally on the record with that Court or sent by mail, ie submitted electronically.

Last updated on 25 September 2024

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