Every company can change its legal form at the commerical court, two years after its registration or after the latest change of its form.
When the form of a company is changed, liquidation may not be carried out. Company in bankruptcy is not allowed to change its form except when it is a part of the bankruptcy plan.
Transformation of a limited liability company (d.o.o.)
A limited liability company may be transformed into a public limited company (d.d.), general partnership (j.t.d.) or limited partnership (k.d.). The decision on transformation is made by the general meeting of the company with the votes representing at least nine tenths of the share capital represented at the general meeting of the company when making the decision. If there are the shares of several types, the decision requires the consent of the shareholders of each type of shares.
Transformation of a limited liability company (d.o.o.)
A limited liability company (d.o.o.) may be transformed into a public limited company (d.d.), general partnership (j.t.d.) and a limited partnership (k.d.). A company may be transformed upon a decision of the general meeting of the company adopted by the majority required to amend the company agreement.
Transformation of companies based on partnership into companies based on capital
A general partnership (j.t.d.) and a limited partnership (k.d.) may be transformed into a public limited company (d.d.) upon a decision of all members of the company.
A general partnership (j.t.d.) and a limited partnership (k.d.) may be transformed into a limited liability company upon a decision of all members of the company.
Competent authorities and regulations
Ministry of Justice and Administration
Ulica grada Vukovara 49
10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 3714-580
Zakon o trgovačkim društvima
(NN 111/93, 34/99, 121/99 – vjerodostojno tumačenje, 52/00 – Odluka USRH, 118/03, 107/07, 146/08, 137/09, 152/11 – pročišćeni tekst, 111/12, 68/13, 110/15 i 40/19)
Zakon o sudskom registru (NN 1/95, 57/96, 1/98, 30/99, 45/99, 54/05, 40/07, 91/10, 90/11,148/13, 93/14, 110/15 i 40/19)
Pravilnik o poduzimanju radnji u postupku osnivanja trgovačkih društava na daljinu (NN 65/19)
Pravilnik o načinu upisa u sudski registar (NN 121/19)
Pravilnik o obliku i sadržaju obrasca za davanje izjave o nepostojanju nepodmirenih dugovanja na osnovi poreza te doprinosa za mirovinsko, odnosno zdravstveno osiguranje kao ni dugovanja za neto plaće radnicima (NN 22/12)
Updated: 7 December 2020