If you are already established in any EU/EEA state, you are free to provide services as natural and legal persons on a permanent basis in Croatia by means of an establishment in Croatia, provided that you submit a completed application to autoskola@mup.hr along with the following documents (photographed or scanned):
An application for recognition of qualification is submitted to autoskola@mup.hr and the following documents are to be submitted under the general system:
EUR 3.98 for issuing instructor’s license
Payments are made by using online banking:
IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0
Model and payment reference number: HR63 7005-713-22608
Remittance info: Naknada za izdavanje dopuštenja (licencing fee)
Beneficiary: Državna riznica (treasury)
First option: e-Service available to EU/EEA citizens
Second option: autoskola@mup.hr (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed and without a stamp)
Ministry of the Interior
Ul. Grada Vukovara 33, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 6122 111
Road Traffic Safety Act (NN 67/08, 48/10, 74/11, 80/13, 158/13, 92/14, 64/15, 108/17, 70/19, 42/20, 85/22, 114/22)
Ordinance on the training of candidate drivers (NN 132/17, 6/18 and 102/20)
Decision on the determination of the prices of permits and licenses (NN 155/22)
License for a driving instructor in a driving school
Time limit for obtaining the license: 30 days for the license; 90 days in the event of qualification verification
The decision may not be appealed, but an administrative dispute may be initiated before the administrative court having territorial jurisdiction, within 30 days of the decision. The administrative dispute is initiated by a complaint and the procedure is conducted thereafter. Normally, a hearing is scheduled with the complainant and the respondent. If dissatisfied with the judgement or decision, the complainant may appeal to the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia.
Last updated on 10 July 2024