Hospitality and catering services on family farms


Family farms registered in the Register of Farmers as a family farm in accordance with special regulations, providing hospitality and catering services may provide services on a permanent basis in Croatia, with registration of establishment in Croatia and submission of the following documents, i.e. fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • request for obtaining a decision on approval for the provision of hospitality and catering services on family farms
  • proof of ownership of the facility where the services will be provided
  • proof of “usability” of the building (according to the Building Act)
  • general and specific conditions for the type, i.e. type and category of the facility


EUR 9.29 for obtaining the Decision

Payments are made to the State budget, depending on the county.

Costs of the procedure (per diems, travel and accommodation costs for the members of the commission (if any, to be paid later).


First option: e-service (for EU/EEA citizens)

Second option: Administration office of the county (for sending photographed or scanned documentation; with signature and without stamp)

Competent authority and regulations

Competent administrative bodies according to the place where the facility is located:

Administration office for the county, i.e. the administrative body of the City of Zagreb competent for catering activities

Ministry of Tourism and Sport

Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 6161 243

Hospitality and Catering Industry Act (OG  85/15, 121/16, 99/1825/1998/1932/20, 42/20126/21)

Ordinance on classification and categorization of facilities in which hospitality and catering services are provided in the households (OG 9/16, 54/16, 61/16, 69/17 – consolidated text, Amendments (OG 120/19)

Building Act (OG 153/13, 20/17, 39/19, 125/19)


Decision on approval for the provision of hospitality and catering services on family farms

Deadline: 60 days

Legal remedies

Possibility to appeal to the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb or to, within 15 days of delivery of the decision, without paying the administrative fee.

Last updated on 25 September 2024

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