If you are established in EU/EEA country, you have freedom to provide services on temporary and occasional basis, without obligation of establishment in Croatia and without a prior check.
In such a case an online declaration is sent in the mentioned case directly to the competent authority at pisarnica@mingo.hr and/or rudarstvo@mingo.hr, along with a photo or a scan of the following documents (signed, without a stamp):
A foreign mining company would be able to provide temporary services in Croatia using his own engineers/employees to perform those activities (without their foreign professional qualifications being subject to a prior check).
It is not necessary to register with the Mining Sector for the temporary/temporary provision of services, unless such provision of services includes that a natural person is appointed as the responsible person for the performance of mining works on the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources through his employer, a mining economic entity.
If you are established in EU/EEA country, you as a physical or legal person have freedom to provide services on a permanent basis in Croatia, if you register an establishment in Croatia and submit is required documentation the same as in the recognition of a qualification in the field of mining (mining engineer).
The request for recognition of a qualification in the field of mining (mining engineer) is submitted to pisarnica@mingo.hr and/or rudarstvo@mingo.hr, and the following documentation is submitted according to the general system:
Evidence from points b) and c) shall be submitted in a certified copy and a certified translation into Croatian. The translation into Croatian is certified by an authorized permanent court interpreter for the foreign language in which the document was issued.
It is not necessary to register with the Mining Sector for a business establishment, unless such provision of services includes that a natural person is appointed as the responsible person for the performance of mining works on the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources through his employer, a mining business entity.
A natural person, a mining engineer is free to provide services in the Republic of Croatia, without having to contact the competent authority. If he provides services that are regulated for citizens of the Republic of Croatia (responsible person for mining works or etc.), then his employer appears and proves that he (natural person) meets all the conditions met by citizens of the Republic of Croatia.
Taking into account the professional qualification of a mining engineer, the holder of the professional qualification can perform all jobs that do not require a professional exam in mining in the Republic of Croatia. For the jobs specified in the Ordinance on passing the professional examination in mining (Official Gazette, number (84/24), the conditions are the same for a foreign citizen as for a citizen of the Republic of Croatia.
pisarnica@mingo.hr and rudarstvo@mingo.hr (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed, without a stamp)
Ministry of Economy
Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 6106 111 (central office) i
+385 1 6106 940 (Mining sector)
Law on Mining (OG 56/13)
Law on Amendments to the Law on Mining (OG 98/19)
Ordinance on taking the professional exam in mining (OG 84/24)
Law on Amendments to the Law on Mining NN (83/23)
Decision on the request for recognition of a foreign professional qualification in the field of mining
Deadline: 30 days
Recognition of a foreign professional qualification in the field of mining
Deadline: 90 days
The Ministry decides on the request with a decision against which no appeal can be lodged, but an administrative dispute can be initiated before the administrative court in Zagreb. An administrative dispute is initiated by a lawsuit that is filed within 30 days of delivery of the decision.
Last updated on November 5, 2024