If you are established in an EU/EEA country, you have the freedom to provide services on occasional and temporary basis, without the obligation of establishment in Croatia or mandatory membership in the Croatian Medical Chamber.
In that case, an online declaration is sent to the competent authority via online system for recognition of foreign professional qualifications, along with a scan of the following data and documents (signed, without a stamp):
If you are established in an EU/EEA country, as a physical or legal person you have the freedom to provide services on a permanent basis, by registering an establishment and delivering the following documents:
Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists carries out the procedure of the recognition of professional qualifications according to the automatic recognition system:
The application for recognition of the qualification which will be carried out under the automatic recognition system is submitted via online system for recognition of foreign professional qualifications along with the following documents and their certified translation into Croatian done by a court interpreter:
The application and documentation may be submitted by post or directly to the competent authority or by electronic means referred to above.
I. Evidence required by the automatic recognition system:
II. Evidence required by the general recognition system shall be submitted to the competent authority by post as certified copies of the original with a translation into Croatian:
The Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists, as the competent authority, may request the applicant to provide other evidence in accordance with Annex VII of the Directive 2005/36 EC:
EUR 212.03 for general recognition procedures
EUR 53.01 for automatic recognition procedures
The administrative fee is not paid upon request, decision or complaint.
Payment via online banking
IBAN: HR8523600001101243041
Reference number: OIB (PIN) of the payer
The purpose of the payment: Fee for recognition of foreign professional qualifications
User: Hrvatska ljekarnička komora (Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists), Martićeva 27, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
In the case payment is made abroad, the equivalent of the above amount shall be paid at the mid-market exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank on the day of payment, to:
Giro account/IBAN of the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists, opened with Zagrebačka banka d.d, HR8523600001101243041
Reference number: Applicant’s OIB or other applicant’s identification number
Ksaver 200a, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 4607 555
Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists
Martićeva 27
10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 4616 805
Health Care Act (OG 100/18 and 147/20)
Act on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (OG 82/15, 70/19 and 47/20)
General Administrative Procedure Act (OG 47/09 and 110/21)
Ordinance on the Criteria for the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (OG 89/13)
Ordinance on the procedure and conditions for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications
Upon completion of the procedure for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification carried out under the automatic recognition system:
Decision of the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists on administrative application.
Deadline for obtaining automatic recognition: within 30 days and no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of a duly completed application.
Upon completion of the procedure for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification carried out under the general recognition system:
Decision of the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists on administrative application.
Deadline for obtaining recognition under the general system: within 3 months from the date of receipt of a duly completed application, and may be extended by a maximum of one month if there are reasonable grounds.
You may submit a complaint within 15 days of receipt of the decision to the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists, Martićeva 27, 10 000 Zagreb or electronically by sending an e-mail to hljk@hljk.hr or via online system for recognition of foreign professional qualifications.
The complainant must state the decision he is contesting, the name of the professional chamber as a body governed by public law which has adopted the said decision and the reasons for his dissatisfaction with the decision. If the complainant presents new facts and new evidence, it is for the complainant to state why he did not submit those facts and evidence during the proceedings at first instance before the professional chamber.
When the medical professional chamber, as the first-instance body, receives a complaint, it will examine whether the complaint is admissible, timely and made by an authorised person.
If the complaint is not admissible, timely and made by an authorised person, the professional chamber shall dismiss the complaint by a decision.
If the professional chamber does not dismiss the complaint or replace the contested decision with a new one, it will immediately submit the complaint with the case file to the Ministry of Health as the second-instance body.
The Ministry of Health must make a decision on the complaint and deliver it to the party via the first-instance body as soon as possible and no later than 60 days from the date of the submission of the duly-made complaint.
Administrative proceedings may be initiated against the second-instance decision by filing a complaint with the competent Administrative Court (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka or Osijek) within 30 days of the date of receipt of the decision. The complaint shall be filed directly or by post and may also be recorded in the minutes.
Last updated on 17 September 2024