Installation, use and provision of electronic communications network and provision of electronic communications services.
If you are established in EU/EEA country, you have freedom to provide services on temporary and occasional basis, without obligation of establishment in Croatia. Based on the general authorization, the operator has the right to:
Operator providing electronic communications networks or services to the public, on the basis of the general authorization, has the right to:
An online notification is sent in the mentioned case at least 15 days prior to the beginning, changing and completion of electronic communications networks and services at eoperator@hakom.hr, along with a photo or a scan of the following documents:
If you are established in EU/EEA country, you as a physical or legal person have freedom to provide services on a permanent basis in Croatia, if you register an establishment in Croatia and submit the documents mentioned in the first option.
eoperator@hakom.hr (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed, without a stamp)
Additional provision regulated by the Electronic Communications Act:
Operator which does not have a main establishment or a registered branch in the Republic of Croatia or in another member state of the European Union, must register a branch or establish a separate legal entity with a main establishment in the Republic of Croatia or in another member state of the European Union before submitting the prior notification. The further course of the procedure, the content of the notification and the deadlines are the same as for the operators from the First Option.
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 6169 110
Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM)
Ulica Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9, 10 110 Zagreb
+385 1 7007 007
Electronic Communications Act (NN 76/22) Consolidated Act
Confirmation proving the submission of a prior notification Commencement of the notified activity on the basis of a general authorization may begin after the submission of a prior notification to HAKOM.
Deadline: 7 days from the date of receipt of the completed prior notification
There is no legal remedy because no act is issued on which the commencement of activities depends.
Last updated on 13 December 2022