Energy certification


If you already have a registered establishment in another EU/EEA country, you are allowed the freedom to provide services on an occasional and temporary basis, without the obligation to register an establishment in Croatia and to wait for prior checks.

In this case, an e-declaration shall be sent to the Point of Single Contact or directly to the competent authority at, accompanied by a photographed or scanned submission of the following information or documentation (with a signature without stamp):

  • proof of submitted e-filing on the form;
  • proof of professional qualification: graduate university study or specialist graduate professional study of architectural, construction, mechanical or electrical engineering (at least 300 ECTS credits);
  • proof of previous work experience of 5 years in the profession or 2 years in the design or/and professional supervision of construction;
  • proof that there is no prohibition to practice the profession (if the evidence is not submitted, the competent authority will check it through IMI system)

For a natural person from a Member State of the EEA, for the occasional or temporary provision of services in the territory of the Republic of Croatia:

  • proof of nationality;
  • proof of establishment;
  • confirmation by the competent authorities of the country in which the applicant is established that, at the time of issuing it, there is no prohibition, even temporarily, to carry out activities;
  • proof of professional qualifications:

a) confirmation by the competent authority of the EU/EEA state from which the applicant comes of the notification of the Regulation of the profession and of the fulfilment of all requirements for the exercise of the profession in that country — where energy certification and energy inspection of the building is a regulated profession in the country of origin of the applicant;

b) proof of successful completion of formal education of architectural, construction, mechanical or electrotechnical professions (a diploma obtained in an EU/EEA state or other evidence issued by a competent authority of a third State and a foreign person has three years of professional experience in the territory of an EU/EEA state and confirmed by that EU/EEA state,

c) attestation of professional experience or evidence from the employer of the acquired work experience in the amount (5 years after the completion of the formal education of the architectural, construction, mechanical or electrotechnical profession),

d) confirmation by the employer from the Contracting State that the applicant has notified the energy certification and energy inspection profession of the building with full-time or part-time equivalent to the total duration during the previous ten years in the EU/EEA state where that profession is not regulated,

e) proof of professional training and training in the field of energy certification and energy inspection of buildings, if training and training programmes in the field of energy certification and energy inspection of buildings are implemented in the Member State of origin,

f) proof of the existence of a professional name in the country of establishment;

  • proof of knowledge of the Croatian language at B2 level;
  • proof of registration in the relevant register of authorised persons, if the EU/EEA state maintains such a register; (If evidence is not provided for EU/EEA state, the competent authority will check through the IMI system).

The evidence is submitted in a simple copy and an uncertified translation into Croatian, except for evidence of professional qualifications submitted in a certified copy and certified translation by an authorised court interpreter.

For a legal person from a Member State of the EEA, for the occasional or temporary provision of services in the territory of the Republic of Croatia:

  • request at
  • proof of establishment (if proof is not provided for EU/EEA state, the competent authority will check through IMI system);
  • confirmation by the competent authorities of the country in which the applicant is established and that at the time of issuing it there is no, even temporarily, prohibition of performing activities (if proof is not provided for EU/EEA state, the competent authority will check it through the IMI system);
  • proof of professional qualifications of the appointed person and other persons who will perform energy certification and energy inspection of the building on behalf of the legal entity:

a) confirmation by the competent authority of the EU/EEA state from which the applicant comes of the notification of the Regulation of the profession and of the fulfilment of all requirements for the exercise of the profession in that country — where energy certification and energy inspection of the building is a regulated profession in the country of origin of the applicant;

b) proof of successful completion of formal education of architectural, construction, mechanical or electrotechnical professions (a diploma obtained in an EU/EEA state, or other evidence issued by a competent authority of a third State and a foreign person has three years of professional experience in the territory of an EU/EEA state and confirmed by that EU/EEA state),

c) attestation of professional experience or evidence from the employer of the acquired work experience (5 years after the completion of formal education of the architectural, construction, mechanical or electrotechnical profession)

d) confirmation by the employer from the Contracting State that the appointed person and other persons who, on behalf of the legal entity, will perform energy certification and energy inspection of the building performed the profession of energy certification and energy inspection of the building one year with full-time or part-time equivalent to the total duration during the previous ten years in the EU/EEA state in which that profession is not regulated,

e) proof of professional training and training in the field of energy certification and energy inspection of buildings, if training and training programmes in the field of energy certification and energy inspection of buildings are implemented in the Member State of origin,

f) proof of the existence of a professional name in the country of establishment

  • proof of knowledge of the Croatian language level B2 of the named person and other persons who will perform energy certification and energy inspection of the building on behalf of the legal entity;
  • proof of registration in the relevant register of authorised persons, if the EU/EEA state maintains such a register.

The evidence is submitted in a simple copy and an uncertified translation into the Croatian language, except evidence of the professional qualifications of the nominated person and other persons who will perform energy certification and energy inspection of the building on behalf of the legal entity, submitted in a certified copy and certified translation by an authorised court interpreter.


If you are a registered establishment in another EU/EEA country, you are allowed as natural and legal persons to provide services on a permanent basis, with the registration of an establishment in Croatia and to submit the following photographed or scanned documentation on the

For a natural person:

  • proof of qualification: graduate university study or specialist graduate professional study of architectural, construction, mechanical or electrical engineering (at least 300 ECTS credits);
  • proof that he has at least 5 years of work experience in the profession or 2 years of work experience in the design and/or professional supervision of construction, after completing the studies;
  • proof of completed vocational training programme (Module 1 or Module 1 and Module 2) with one of the holders of the training programme;
  • exceptionally: the authorisation for energy certification and energy inspection of buildings with a simple technical system shall also be granted to a natural person who has completed undergraduate university or undergraduate professional study of architectural, construction, mechanical or electrotechnical profession, or who has obtained the title of engineer of architectural, engineering, mechanical or electrotechnical profession (higher education) according to previous educational programmes, and who has had at least ten years of work experience in the profession or five years of work experience in design and supervision or supervision.

For a legal person:

  • proof that it is registered for the activity of energy certification and energy inspection of buildings;
  • proof of full-time employment of at least 1 natural person who meets the conditions for conducting energy audits of buildings and energy certification of buildings;

For Croatian citizens (authorised natural and legal person) to provide services in another country of the EEA:

for a natural person:

  • photocopy of the identity card;
  • a copy of the diploma on completed study;
  • photocopy of the Croatian pension Insurance Institute’s certificate of employment status and pensionable service or electronic record of employment status and pensionable service and/or employer’s certificate of work experience in the profession;
  • description of work experience in the profession (chronologically provide data on work carried out by the person);
  • a copy of the certificate of successful completion of the training programme/training programme;

for a legal person:

  • photocopies of employment contracts of persons employed for an indefinite period with applicants who meet the conditions (as a natural person) and who will perform energy audits of buildings, energy certification and regular inspections of heating and cooling or air conditioning systems in the building;
  • statement on persons employed and the appointment of a person for signing reports on performed energy audits of buildings, energy certificates of buildings and reports on regular inspections of heating and cooling or air conditioning systems in buildings;
  • evidence of fulfilment of conditions for each appointed and other employed person (evidence is provided for all natural persons who will perform energy audits of buildings in the legal entity, energy certification and regular inspections of heating and cooling or air conditioning systems in the building):
  • photocopy of the identity card;
  • a copy of the diploma on completed study;
  • a copy of the certificate of successful completion of the training programme/training programme;
  • a copy of the certificate issued by the Croatian pension Insurance Institute;
  • description of the work experience (chronologically provide data on work carried out by the person);


EUR 0 (none)

Application (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed, without a stamp)

Do you need any support? Contact us in one place.

Competent authority and regulations

Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

Ulica Republike Austrije 20, Zagreb

385 1 3782 444

Information system of energy certificates

Building Act (OG 153/1320/17, 39/19, 125/19)

Ordinance on persons authorised for energy certification, energy audits of buildings and regular inspections of heating systems and cooling or air-conditioning systems in buildings

Ordinance on requirements and manner of issuing certificates to persons from countries that are Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area for providing services of energy certification and energy audits of buildings in the Republic of Croatia and on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications for providing services of energy certification and energy audits of buildings

(OG 77/15)

Ordinance on the requirements and manner of issuing certificates to Croatian citizens and legal persons for realising the right to provide services of the regulated profession of energy certification and energy audits of buildings in the countries that are Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area

(OG 47/14)


Decision on granting authorization for energy certification and energy inspection of buildings (also encompassing authorization for regular review of heating and cooling or air conditioning systems in the building)

Deadline: 30 days

Legal remedies

An appeal ruling is not admissible, but an administrative dispute may be initiated before the local competent administrative court within 30 days from the date of delivery of the decision.

Date of last update: 29 December 2021

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