defined in the Ordinance on types of forestry operations, minimum conditions for their implementation and works that could be undertaken by forest owners independently (NN 46/21, 98/21)
Documents for companies established in Croatia and for foreign companies
The fee for the issuance of licenses shall be determined according to the price list for the issuance of licenses, depending on the total annual income of the applicant in the year preceding the filing of the application. The fee is payable only after the Commission’s decision approving the application (After the procedure of determining the fulfilment of conditions).
The minimum fee is 1.592 € and the maximum 66.361 € in five years of the duration of licenses. Total annual revenues are classified into seven categories.
The fee for the issuance or renewal of the license is determined by the total annual income contractor in the calendar year proceeding the year of issue or the year of renewal of the license in the following way:
total annual income up to 66.361 € the fee is 1.592 €
total annual income of 66.362 € to 132.722 € the fee is 2.654 €
and in eight other categories, up to the fee for
total annual income more than 26.544.562 € the fee is 66.361 €.
Recipient: Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers
IBAN: HR8824020061100463832
Model: 02
Reference number: OIB
Competent authority and regulations
Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Techology Engineers
Prilaz Gjure Deželića 63, 10000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 (0) 1 3765-501
E-mail: info@hkisdt.hr
Law on Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers (NN 22/06):
Law on Forests NN 68/18, 115/18, 98/19, 32/20, 145/20, 101/23, 36/24):
Ordinance on types of forestry operations, minimum conditions for their implementation and works that could be undertaken by forest owners independently (NN 46/21, 98/21):
Ordinance on the issue, renewal and revocation of the license (permission) to work in the field of forestry, hunting and timber industry – Chamber Assembly
Decision on issuing licenses
An appeal against this decision is not allowed, but an administrative dispute can be initiated by submitting a lawsuit to the competent Administrative Court within 30 days of delivery of this decision.