The right to register in the Register of Chartered Forestry Engineer (acquiring the status of Chartered Engineer) have person which fulfils the following requirements:
Only for Croatian citizens / other citizens: according to the Act on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (Official Gazette, 82/15, 70/19, 47/20, 123/23):
Croatian citizens pay 132,72 €
Recipient: Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers
IBAN: HR8824020061100463832
Model: 02
Reference number: JMBG or OIB
Competent authority and regulations
Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers
Prilaz Gjure Deželića 63, 10000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 (0) 1 3765-501
E-mail: info@hkisdt.hr
Act on Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers (NN 22/06)
The Statute of the Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Processing Engineers (NN 136/06, 61/07)
Forests Act (NN NN 68/18, 115/18, 98/19, 32/20, 145/20, 101/23, 36/24)
Decision on registration in the Chamber (for Croatian citizens)
Legal acts
Complaint may not be appealed against the decision of the competent authority of the Chamber relating to the acquisition, suspension or termination of membership in the Chamber, but it can be initiated an administrative dispute.