Higher education

The activity of higher education in the Republic of Croatia is performed by higher education institutions that comprise universities, faculties, art academies and universities of applied sciences.

A higher education institution is an institution established as a public or private higher education institution.

A private higher education institution is established by a natural or legal person.


Initial accreditation of higher education institutions

A request for issuing a licence for performing higher education activity is submitted to the Agency for Science and Higher Education, along with a self-evaluation report drafted in line with the Standards for the evaluation of quality which includes the following:

  • founding act of the higher education institution
  • proof of adequate space and equipment
  • proof of adequate funds necessary for performing the teaching, scientific, artistic and professional activity
  • signed work contracts with the teaching staff
  • proof of adequate funds necessary for performing the higher education and professional activity
  • a university, faculty or art academy also submits a multi-annual strategic programme for scientific research in the scientific area for which the issuing of a licence is requested, as well as proof of adequate funds for performing the scientific and artistic activity.

Within the procedure for initial accreditation of a higher education institution, the accreditation of study programmes is mandatory, as well as the accreditation of educational programmes that are not considered study programmes and lead to partial qualifications.

The initial accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes is carried out in line with the Standards for the evaluation of quality prepared by the Agency for Science and Higher Education.

Exceptionally, a joint study programme accredited by a foreign accreditation agency registered with the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) is entered in the Register of study programmes on the basis of the accreditation decision issued by the foreign agency.




akreditacija@azvo.hr; ured@azvo.hr for submitting a photo or scan of the document; accompanied by a signature and without a seal

Competent body and regulations

Agency for Science and Higher Education

Donje Svetice 38/5, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 6274 800


Ministry of Science and Education

Donje Svetice 38, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 4569 000


Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (OG 119/22)

Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Science (OG 151/22)

Institutions Act (OG 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08, 127/19 and 151/22).


Upon completion of the procedure for initial accreditation of a higher education institution, the Agency issues a decision on issuing or denying the licence for performing the higher education activity by a igher education institution.

Based on the issued licence the Ministry of Science and Education enters the higher education institution into the Register of higher education institutions, upon which the higher education institution may commence performing its activity.

The approval of the name of a higher education institution delivering study programmes in regulated professions is granted by the Ministry of Science and Education.

Deadline for obtaining the licence

6 months: The Accreditation Council of the Agency for Science and Higher Education issues a reasoned opinion on issuing a licence for performing higher education activity no later than 6 months from the day of submitting the request in due form.

30 days: The Agency issues the decision on the licence no later than 30 days from the day of receiving the reasoned opinion and comments by the Complaints Committee.

Legal remedies

The Agency for Science and Higher Education decides on the request by issuing a decision against which no complaint may be filed but an administrative dispute may be launched before a territorially competent administrative court.

Last update date: 15 September 2023

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