Postal services


If you are established in EU/EEA country, you have freedom to provide postal services on an occasional and temporary basis in the Republic of Croatia without the obligation to register the establishment in Croatia by submitting the following documentation electronically or in writing to the postal address of HAKOM:

  • Name and residence of legal entity or natural person and personal identification number
  • An extract from the relevant registry of legal entity or natural persons
  • A list and description of interchangeable and/or other postal services to be provided
  • Price list of postal services
  • The area where the interchangeable and/or other postal services will be provided (national and/or international)
  • Deadline within which the applicant intends to start providing interchangeable and/or other postal services


If you are established in another EU/EEA country, you are allowed to provide postal services on a permanent basis in the Republic of Croatia with the registration of an establishment in Croatia by submitting the following documentation electronically or in writing to the postal address of HAKOM.

  • Name and residence of the legal entity or natural person and personal identification number;
  • An extract from the relevant registry of legal entity or natural persons;
  • A list and description of interchangeable and/or other postal services to be provided;
  • Price list of postal services
  • The area where the interchangeable and/or other postal services will be provided (national and/or international)
  • Deadline within which the applicant intends to start providing interchangeable and/or other postal services

Competent Authority and Regulations

Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure

Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 6169 110

Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM)

Ulica Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9, 10 110 Zagreb

+385 1 7007 055

Postal Services Act (NN 144/12, 153/13, 78/15 and 110/19) Consolidated Act


Confirmation of submission a proper application for other postal services

Deadline: HAKOM will issue a certificate to the postal service provider within 8 days of receiving a valid application.

Decision on providing interchangeable postal services

Deadline: HAKOM will make a decision on the provision of interchangeable postal services within 90 days from the day of receipt of a valid application.

Legal remedies

No appeal is allowed against HAKOM’s decision, but an administrative dispute may be initiated before the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia.

Last updated on 13 December 2022

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