If you already have a registered establishment in another EU/EEA country, you are free to provide services on an occasional and temporary basis, without the obligation to register your establishment in Croatia with the Croatian Psychological Chamber and to wait for prior verification.
In such case, you shall send every year e-statement directly to hpk@psiholoska-komora.hr and send the following photographed or scanned documentation:
If you are established in EU/EEA country, you are free, as a natural or legal person, to provide services on a permanent basis, upon registration of the establishment in Croatia and delivery of the following documents:
You shall file the request for the recognition of qualification send to hpk@psiholoska-komora.hr
EUR 92.91 for the procedure of recognition
EUR 39.82 for the psychological professional exam
EUR 26.54 for the chamber registration fee
EUR 144.00 for the annual chamber membership fee
Payment via online banking transfer
User: Croatian Psychological Chamber
IBAN: HR1123600001101712980
Reference number: HR67 Personal Identification Number
Purpose: procedure of the recognition of the foreign professional qualification
hpk@psiholoska-komora.hr (for sending photographed or scanned document, with signature and without seal)
Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
Vukovarska 78, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 555 7039
Croatian Psychological Chamber
Selska cesta 90A, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 3014 001
Psychological Activity Act (OG 98/19, 18/22)
Law on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (OG 82/15, 70/19, 47/20, 123/23)
Regulation on the conditions for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications for practicing regulated profession – psychologist for the purpose of the establishment in the Republic of Croatia (OG 148/22)
Chamber’s Regulation on the procedure for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications (Chamber)
Decision on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications for practicing regulated profession psychologist
Deadline: 90 days
You can file an appeal against the Chamber’s decision to Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy within 15 days of receiving the decision, photographed or scanned to the email address: hpk@psiholoska-komora.hr or info@mrosp.hr.
Last updated on 19 September 2024