Authorised Representatives in the Field of Industrial Property Rights are patent representatives and representatives for trademarks, industrial design, geographical indications and designations of origin of Products and Services, and topographies of semiconductor products (representatives for trademarks).
If you are a natural person, a legal person, an attorney or a law firm, you can provide services on a permanent basis in Croatia, upon registration of business establishment and fulfilment of the following requirements:
A patent representative may be:
A trademark representative may be:
Necessary documents
Documentation shall be submitted with filing an application for a professional exam for authorised representatives.
When submitting the application for entry in the register of representatives, the applicant shall indicate only the number and date of the certificate of passing the professional exam for representatives and evidence of payment of the fee for entry in the register of representatives (EUR 6.64).
Documentation shall be submitted with filing a request for a professional exam for authorised representatives.
When submitting the application for entry in the register of representatives, the applicant shall indicate only the number and date of the certificate of passing the professional exam for representatives and evidence of payment of the fee for entry in the register of representatives (EUR 6,64). A law firm shall also submit evidence that it employs an attorney who passed a professional exam for representatives or that it cooperates with him based on another contractual relationship.
Documentation shall be submitted with filing a request for entry in the register. A legal person shall perform the activities of representation before the Office as its registered activity.
Professional exam for representatives
Professional exam shall be held twice a year, and it shall be taken at the premises of the Office in Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 78.
The dates for taking professional exams shall be announced on the website of the Office at least 30 days before the date determined for taking a professional exam. Professional exam shall be taken in Croatian.
It is mandatory for authorised representatives to become members of the Chamber of Representatives in the Field of Industrial Property Rights, as an autonomous and independent organisation acting as a legal entity.
EUR 889.24 for professional exam (EUR 491.07 for potential make-up exam)
Costs of taking the second professional exam shall be charged for costs determined for taking the professional exam reduced by 30%.
Payment by Internet banking
Recipient: State Budget
IBAN: HR1210010051863000160
Model: HR 63
Reference number: 5681 – 6179 – 700002
Purpose of payment – taking a professional exam for an authorised representative
Application to generate all the necessary data to pay procedural costs
Procedural costs of examining the request for entry in the register of representatives
Amount: EUR 6.64
Payment by Internet banking
Recipient: State Budget
IBAN: HR1210010051863000160
Model: HR 63
Reference number: 5681 – 6179 – 700002
Purpose of payment – entry in the register of representatives
Application to generate all the necessary data to pay procedural costs
First option: e-services
Second option: e-zastupnici@dziv.hr (to send photos or scans of documentation; signed and not sealed)
FORMS for documentation to be sent by e-mail
Forms to apply for professional exams for representatives in the field of industrial property rights and forms of the request for entry in the Register of Representatives and for entry of amendments in the register
Form 1A and Form 1B
State Intellectual Property Office
Vukovarska 78, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 6106 100
Act on Representation in the Field of Industrial Property (OG 54/05, 49/11 and 54/13)
Regulations on Professional Examinations for authorised Representatives in the Field of Industrial Property Rights (OG 84/13)
Act on the Fees in the Field of Intellectual Property (OG 66/21)
Regulation on Fees for Proceedings in the Field of Intellectual Property and Professional Services of the State Intellectual Property Office (OG 119/21)
A decision of entry in the register of authorised representatives in the field of industrial property rights
Deadline: 30 days upon receipt of a proper request and complete documentation
An administrative dispute within 30 days upon receipt of the decision before a local administrative court in the Republic of Croatia
Last updated on 8 December 2022