Retail trade in petroleum products


To obtain the certificate of conformity for the performance of wholesale trade and trade with third countries, the company submits the following documents:

  • request, which contains information on the name of petroleum products, the tariff position of the product in the customs tariff, mark, capacity and location of tanks for petroleum product, administrative fee
  • an excerpt from the relevant register, by which the applicant proves to be registered for performing the activity (the register of companies or crafts register)
  • notification of the classification of enterprises according to NACE
  • a decision on compliance with the minimum technical requirements for the storage of petroleum products in accordance with regulations
  • proof of ownership or a valid lease agreement or other contract with the owner of the warehouse
  • HERA – license to conduct retail trade activity – wholesale in petroleum products
  • HERA – license to conduct retail trade activity – storage of petroleum products.



Administrative fee of HRK 1,000 per consent, or HRK 200 for any modification of consent


Data for e-payment:

Beneficiary: State Budget

IBAN: HR121001005-1863000160

Reference number: HR64 5002-47115-OIB of the company

Purpose of transfer: administrative fee – derivative/gas


Competent authority and regulations

Ministry of the Economy

Directorate for Trade and Internal Market

Ulica grada Vukovara 78,  10000 Zagreb

Tel.: +385 (0) 1 6106-111


Retail Trade Act (NN 87/08, 116/08, 76/09, 114/11, 68/13 and 30/14)


Ordinance on requirements for conducting wholesale trade and trade with third countries for certain goods

(NN 47/14)



The decision on consent by each type of petroleum product referred to in Article 1 of the Regulation on requirements for conducting wholesale trade and trade with third countries for certain goods shall be taken by the Ministry of the Economy.



The decision may not be appealed, but an administrative dispute may be brought before the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, Avenija Dubrovnik 6 and 8, Zagreb, within 30 days of the decision.

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