Waste management


If you are already established in any EU/EEA state, you are free to provide services as a natural or legal person, on a permanent basis by means of an establishment in Croatia.

It is necessary to obtain a permit, except for the treatment of one own’s waste, which may be performed by:

  1. original waste producer, who is a natural person, for the treatment of his own bio-waste with aerobic biological waste treatment (home composting); and
  2. original waste producer, who is a legal person or natural person – a craftsman, if bio-waste generated through his activity, is subjected to biological treatment at the waste generation site and the resulting product of that treatment is not placed on the market, but it is used at the waste generation site, and these activities are reported to the Ministry by 31 March of the current year for the previous year.

Required documents

Along with the application for issuing the waste management permit, the applicant has to submit the following:

  • document on the use of building in accordance with the Construction Act
  • proof of the availability of a facility for the waste management treatment
  • waste management feasibility study and
  • financial guarantee.


The document on the use of the facility and the proof of the availability of the facility in which the waste management process will be carried out are not submitted with the application for issuing a mobile device permit, but the following documents have to be submitted:

  • waste management feasibility study
  • financial guarantee
  • proof of the waste treatment location, where the waste treatment is being performed by a mobile device, or the location where the waste is being integrated into the material (contracts, project documents, etc.)
  • proof of ownership and availability of the mobile device
  • time period during which the treatment of waste or the integration of material by means of a mobile device will be conducted at a specific location.

The document on the use of the facility is not to be submitted along with the application for the issuance of a waste disposal activity permit if the application has been submitted for landfilling operations on an active landfill for which no document on the use of the facility has been issued. The following document is submitted instead

  • the document on the construction of the facility (in accordance with the Construction Act)

The competent authority will, of its own motion, access the Company Register, the Register of Craft Business, and the Register of Associations, and will obtain the assurance that the applicant is not prohibited to exercise professional activity by means of final judgement or as a protective measure.

Application for the mining industry waste management permit contains the following:

  1. information on the operator of the facility for mining industry waste management
  2. name of exploration or exploitation area
  3. type of waste and waste disposal operation
  4. proposal for locations of mining industry waste management facilities
  5. plan of the mining industry waste management
  6. decision on eligibility of the intervention for the environment with measures to protect the environment and the environmental condition monitoring program, for an intervention for which an environmental impact assessment is mandatory
  7. description of applying the best available techniques, taking into consideration technical and technological parameters of the facility, geographical position and state of the environment
  8. plan for the prevention of major accidents
  9. internal emergency plan
  10. proof of establishing the safety management system (if this is in accordance with the Ordinance referred to in Article 48 (11) of the Waste Management Act)
  11. proof of financial guarantee
  12. information in accordance with the Ordinance on mining industry waste management.

Application for the mining industry waste management permit is supplemented with:

  • approval for the exploration of mineral raw material


  • concession agreement on the exploitation of mineral raw material

Trial operation waste management permit

Pursuant to the law regulating construction activities, for the purpose of trial operations, the waste management permit may be issued for a period of less than ten years, i.e. on a scheduled duration of trial operations, in accordance with the document issued pursuant to a special law regulating construction activities.

Application for the trial operation waste management permit is not supplemented with the document on the use of the building.

It is not established whether the document on the use of the building has been issued for the property in question. Instead, it is established whether the document on building construction has been issued pursuant to a special law regulating construction activities.


Waste management permit determines the following: 

  1. person allowed to perform the activity of disposal or recovery of waste
  2. location of waste management
  3. types and quantities of waste in accordance with the Waste Catalogue
  4. activity and process of waste management along with corresponding technological processes
  5. methods for performing waste management operations, including technical and all other important conditions for work on the site regarding every individual operation
  6. preventive and protective measures
  7. management and monitoring measures
  8. obligation of handling the emerging waste, or the waste that remains after the waste management operation
  9. validity period of the waste management permit
  10. measures after closing, i.e. after cessation of the operations for which the permit had been issued, including the removal of one’s own waste from the waste management location.

Mining industry waste management permit determines the following: 

  1. operator of the facility for the mining industry waste management
  2. name of exploitation area
  3. type of waste, operations, and capacity for the waste disposal
  4. use of best available techniques, taking into consideration the technical and technological features of the facility for the mining industry waste management, geographical position and state of the environment
  5. classification of the facility for the mining industry waste management
  6. location of the facility for the mining industry waste management
  7. obligations of the operator of the facility for the mining industry waste management
  8. amount of the financial guarantee
  9. validity period of the mining industry waste management permit.


EUR 185.81 for issuing, modification or amendment of the permit or a temporary permit for waste management

Payments are made by using online banking

Model: HR64

IBAN of the beneficiary: HR1210010051863000160

Payment reference number: 5002-47053-OIB or MB (personal identification number or company identification number); 5002 – administrative fees (REGISTER OF REVENUE TYPES) 47053 – Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja (Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development; register of the budget beneficiaries) OIB or MB (identification number of the payer)

Remittance info: Državna upravna pristojba za dozvolu KLASA: UP/I- – / – /_ (administrative fee for the permit; please write here the CLASS numbers of the permit for which the administrative fee is being paid)


pisarnica@mingor.hr (for sending photographed or scanned documents; signed and without a stamp)

Competent authority and regulations

Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development

Radnička cesta 80, 10000 Zagreb

+385 1 3717 125


Waste Management Act (NN 84/21)

Ordinance on waste management (NN 106/22)

Other relevant regulations

Time limit for permits

  • Permits for waste management – 10 years
  • Permits for mining industry waste management – 5 years
  • Permits for trial operation waste management – the scheduled duration of trial run

The Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development decides on the application for a waste management permit for activities involving hazardous waste management, for R1 procedures (use of waste mainly as fuel or other means of energy generation) and D10 procedures (incineration of waste on land).

Competent authorities of counties, i.e. of the City of Zagreb decide on application for a waste management permit for an activity not previously covered, as well as on the application for the mining industry waste management permit.

Legal remedies

The decision may not be appealed, but administrative proceedings may be initiated before the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia having territorial jurisdiction, within 30 days of the decision. Submissions are delivered to the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia having territorial jurisdiction directly in writing, in form of minutes, or by post and by electronic means.

Last updated on 30 January 2023

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