Carrying out activities on the protection and preservation of cultural properties

1. CROSS-BORDER FREEDOM TO PROVIDE SERVICES: If you already have a registered establishment in another Europan Union Member State/EEA Country, you can provide services on occasional or temporary basis without the requirement of registration to the competent authority

  • submmision of e-notification about occasional/temporary provision of services without an establishment.


  • The request for issuance of license for carrying out activities on the protection and preservation of cultural goods must be accompanied by a copy of of Univerity diploma/High school diploma as well as a Statement on undertaking of the necessary measures. The request for entry in the Register of Physical and Legal persons carrying out the activity of traffic of movable cultural goods and other cultural items of artistic, historical, archaeological and other significance must be submitted within 15 days of the date of registration of the activity of traffic of movable cultural goods and other cultural items in a court or other appropriate register.
  • No licence will be issued to Legal persons having in regard the presumption that Legal persons are already permitted to carry out activities beacuse they have engaged a qualified Natural person with a proven professional vocation.
  • Foreign Natural and Legal persons shall submit evidence of professional qualifications certified by the competent authority of the European Union Member State in which they are established, as well as an opinion as to the works on cultural goods executed so far.
  • Natural persons to whom the licence has been issued by the Ministry of Culture are obliged to notify the Ministry of Culture of any modification regarding the conditions for carrying out the activity or of the information entered in the Register within 8 days of the modification in order for the modifications to be entered in the Register.


No fee

e-access to this service activity

  • The form should be filled out and signed personally
  • The form should be sent by e-mail to the competent procedural body, together with all the necessary documents – all in scaned PDF or jpg format
  • If the documents are sent by e-mail, there is no obligation to send them by regular mail or in a physical way
  • The approval / decision regarding the carrying out of an activity may, upon request, be obtained from the competent procedural body by e-mail. You will also receive it afterwards by regular mail. The end deadline is 30 days of a duly filed request.
  • After obtaining the approval, you can start carrying out the service activity.



E-mail to which all the documentation should be sent:

Titled: e-request – Point of Single Contact

Info: on your registered e-mail you will receive a notifiction about the submission of the request and a certificate of obtaining authorisation

Inform us about how much time it took. Propose any improvement. Do you need any support? Contact us in one place.

Competent body and regulations

Ministry of Culture

Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage

Runjaninova 2, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 4866 200

Law on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Goods  (Official Gazette number 69/99, 151/03, 157/03, 100/04, 87/09, 88/10, 61/11, 25/12, 136/12, 157/13, 152/14, 44/17, 90/18)

Ordinance on the terms of obtaining licenses for carrying out activities on the protection and preservation of cultural goods (Official Gazette number 98/18)

Ordinance on professional vocations in the conservation and restoration activity and on the terms and mode of acquisition thereof (Official Gazette number 59/09, 117/12, 57/13)

Approval to carry out the activity

Decision allowing the carrying out of activities of protection and preservation of cultural goods.

Period required for obtaining the decision: up to 30 days

Legal remedy and appeal

No appeal is allowed against the decision of the Ministry of Culture, but an administrative dispute may be instigated by lawsuit before a competent local Administrative Court (in Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka and Split) in 30 days. Upon receiving the complaint the Administrative Court shall determine the regularity of the complaint and whether the conditions required for an administrative dispute have been met, the Administrative court shall forward the complaint to the defendant and other interested parties for their response. The Administrative Court  will assess freely the evidence and determine the facts. The complainant is obliged to indicate in the complaint all of the facts on which his claim is based, suggest the evidence and respond to all the claims and evidence suggested by the other parties.

All of the information derives from the regulation within the remit of the competent body

Time of update: 31.07.2019.

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