Tourist escorts

  1. FREEDOM TO CROSS-BORDER PROVISION OF SERVICES: If you already have a registered place of business establishment in another EU / EEA country or the Swiss Confederation, you can provide services on an occasional or temporary basis, without the obligation to register in Croatia, provided that:
  • submit a written statement on the provision of services on a temporary and occasional basis submitted by the Point of Single Contact for service

Terms for the provision of services

  • citizen of the Republic of Croatia, citizen of another Member State of the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation
  • Have at least high school education
  • During service, provision must wear the “tourist escort” identification card with their name and surname, at an easily visible position.



Competent authority and regulations

Ministry of Tourism

Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb

+385 1 6169 243

The Act on the Provision of Tourism Services (OG 130/17, 25/19, 98/19, 42/20) regulates services in the sector of tourism, the manner and conditions for the provision of such services, supervision and administrative measures



All information resulting from regulations on the scope of the competent authority.

Date of update: 06.05.2020.

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